Materialistic thing don’t impress me your soul does

Materialistic thing don’t impress me your soul does….

Yaaa this is the line I always wants to tell everyone that I will not gonna impress by ur material or ur beauty .. I need ur soul ur time ur affection ur love beyond all this I need u … Everyone have their place in my life and no one less than. Other …”This My Way To Express Feelings For Others

Gyyzz You should tell  ur views ur feeling about ur dear one’s … Whether u want to tell them Thier face is pretty or their heart ,that doesn’t matter just told them that u love them , show ur feelings for them  u knw it creates so ease in ur surrounding no drama no double face  if u just praise them … Literally it takes few minutes … I have my way to express my feelings  literally it’s amazing 😀 ( I knw speak about my self too much :p )  so  guyz show ur way to express feelings if u will succeed than u will feel too special … Because everyone start loving u n this is priceless because u will gonna get  soo many  Valentine’s gift :p okay sorry am just joking 😀 but guyz just start express ur feelings …
 Because according to me this world is going on   “Give & Take ” rule so if u give love u can take love …:) 

Thank you guyz .. Please keep following 🙂


31 thoughts on “Materialistic thing don’t impress me your soul does

  1. 😊😊love this… I have a similar quote I always say those closest “I don’t just like pretty things… my adoration lies within the inner truth of the emotion ignited within the depths of my heart..” It is my response when i’m; asked frequently why do I like going to art exhibits etc… 😃😃

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