Mirror mirror on the wall !!

Mirror mirror on the wall 

Whoes the fairest on the land ???

As everyone must knows this well known line from movie snowwhite

As the stepmother of snowwhite always used to get opinion from mirror n he always gives the right opinion …

But  I really don’t have such nice mirror around me who gave me correct opinion actually they don’t told me about my mistake to me but told everyone about my mistake  like I am not a marketing product whom ur marketing to other ..

So according to me

Mirror mirror on the wall who  

The hell you are ?

So please don’t need to find  a mirror around you just find ur mirror  in ur self  because u r the right one to show ur self correct thing  u r the mirror who can give the right opinion to ur self …

There are very few mirror around u who can give u right opinion ..

But most of them try to dressed u according to their taste  ….

so believe in ur self that

You are the mirror with purity  

You are the mirror with clearness 

You are the mirror with sparkles

You are the mirror with truth

You are the mirror with spirituality

Be ur own mirror ..I am not saying to don’t trust any to don’t get advices from  other … Trust everyone take advice from other …but have a sense that whtever they are saying to is right or not ? Whatever they tried to dressed u suits u or not ? 

So have sense to look in the others  mirror  But always believe on ur mirror  

One of my most favorite teacher  says that always think that 

You are the best ” 

Well another thing is that if people try to be ur perfect mirror or try to dressed u which suits u but we will not bear this that people try to interfere in ur life yeah this is bitter truth so be ur own mirror to avoid any destruction …

So believe that 

“your inner is always Royal “…

 “Mirror mirror on the wall 

I am the fairest of all

14 thoughts on “Mirror mirror on the wall !!

      1. Its good in a way if they are finding Negative things…
        & even You will get to know bout your Flaws..
        You will find a way to Fix them πŸ˜€πŸ˜Š

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  1. πŸ‘ΈπŸ’žπŸ’ž — opinions are a dime a dozen; especially now days… Selective gathering is what I say! Keep the treasured ; stomp on the the frivolous! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

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